Check out the program with, among others, speakers from the HR and Health domains exploring the possibilities from technological as well as societal perspectives to share personal and very sensitive data to the individual as well as collective benefit while maintaining the highest standards in data protection.
Participation (including sandwich lunch and drinks) is free of charge but registration is required.
Coffee9h30-10h00 |
Welcome10h00-10h05 |
Steven Dewaele, University Business Developer & SolidLab Stakeholder and Proposal Manager, imec-mict-UGent
Peter Mechant, Guest Professor & Senior Researcher, imec-mict-UGent |
Opening Keynote10h05-10h50 |
Can AI be trusted to coach our careers?Tijl De Bie, Full Professor in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning & Data Science, Ghent University |
Keynote10h50-11h20 |
Bridging Hiring, Careers and Skills: the HR revolution with Data SpacesKevin De Pauw, CEO & Founder, |
Break 11h20-11h35 Blauwe Vogel |
HR – Part 111h35-12h30 |
General introduction to SHARCS, an imec.icon-projectPaul Henon, CISO, Docbyte |
Challenges in Solid for identity and EUDI Wallet opportunitiesCarlo Schupp, EVP Strategy & Alliances, TrustBuilder |
Opportunities for using Semantic Rules in Policy CheckingMartin Lagauw, CEO, Enhansa |
Data Minimization in a decentral Solid networkPaul Henon, CISO, DocByte |
Lunch 12h30-13h30 Krookcafé |
HR – Part 213h30-14h45 |
User research results and prototype demonstrationPeter Mechant, Guest Professor & Senior Researcher, imec & Ghent University |
Personal data for HR and current deployments – valorization and broader contextKurt Ryckaert, Program Manager, Athumi |
Legal obligations of proof for employersTim Raymaekers, Legal Advisor, Randstad |
Challenges for viable (personal) data sharing business modelsSofie Verbrugge, Full Professor, imec-IDLab-UGent |
SHARCS conclusions & demonstratorBen De Meester, Researcher, imec-IDLab-UGent |
Break14h45-15h00 |
Health15h00-16h00 |
WE Are – Implemented use casesElfi Goesaert, R&D Professional Data Gedreven Gezondheidsbevordering, vito |
We Are – Lessons learnedFrederik Byl, Data Engineer, vito |
Wrap up16h00-16h05 |
Steven Dewaele, University Business Developer & SolidLab Stakeholder and Proposal Manager, imec-mict-UGent Peter Mechant, Guest Professor & Senior Researcher, imec-mict-UGent |
Network Drink16h05-17h05 |
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